Oficina Nacional - La Paz

Calle 7 Nº 545 (Casi esq. Av. 14 de Septiembre) - Zona Obrajes

La Paz, Bolivia

Phone: (591-2) 2783628 - 2788368 Fax: (591-2) 2788609

Email: Erika Rodriguez

Website: https://www.ibnorca.org


LOT Internacional SAC

Urbanizacion La Purisima Mz 3 Lote 6 (Prolongacion Bolognesi) - Chiclayo

Phone: (+51) 074 603714


Av. Pershing 790-798, Oficina  1 N° 1805 Y Oficina N° 2102, Magdalena Del Mar - Lima


Email: Horacio Vergara

Website: http://www.lotinternacional.com




Certification body of management systems of the state institution scientific - testing and quality control center of Uzbekistan


House 333A, Farabi Street, Olmazor District, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone: (+998) 78-150-63-53


Email: Abdullahon Orifboev

Website: https://www.uztest.uz