International Player

As one of the representatives and reputable players in the global conformity assessment market, IQNET actively participates in regional and global forums and organizations, investing significant resources and efforts in the credibility, ethics, competence, and value of conformity assessment, for the benefit of its Partners, its clients, and its stakeholders. This liaisons and external representations include:


Association Member to International Accreditation Forum (IAF)

Since 2010, IQNET has been an Association Member of the IAF, and has been actively participating in many IAF committees and working groups.


 “Acting in an inclusive and in a non-discriminatory way, using diversity to boost innovation, building bridges not walls, having an unbreakable ethical behavior and being driven by excellence is the way forward for conformity assessment -- these are principles also shared by IAF.”


Pedro Alves, IQNET Managing Director


A-Liaison to International Organization for Standardization

IQNET as an A-Liaison member to the ISO, has been making effective contribution to the works of ISO technical committees since 2001.


A-Liaison to ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment (ISO CASCO)

IQNET as an A-Liaison to ISO CASCO has representatives in several working groups and committees. 


Active Representations in Regional Accreditation Groups

IQNET is actively present in the works of European Accreditation (EA) as Recognized Stakeholder, and the Inter American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) as Stakeholder Member.

Food Safety System Certification

IQNET is a member of FSSC 22000 Board of Stakeholders and Advisory Committee making a contribution to support a trusted assurance platform for the consumer goods industry.

European Organization for Quality

Since 2018, IQNET is a member of EOQ.  The Partnetship status changed to Global Partner in early 2024. As Global Partner, IQNET contributes to increasing EOQ’s effectiveness by pooling resources, influence and effort. The possibility of joint projects is also envisaged.

International Network on Quality Infrastructure

IQNET is a member organization of INetQI.  This initiative seeks to bring together all specialized organizations that operate at an international level and that are active in promoting and implementing activities on metrology, accreditation, standardization and conformity assessment as tools for sustainable economic development.