
IQNet Ltd is accredited by Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) to offer global SA8000 certification.


SA8000 is one of the most internationally recognized benchmarks for the ethical management of the workforce and workplace.


The SA8000 standard (Social Accountability 8000) is based on the principles of the ILO (International Labour Organization) conventions, UNs Declaration of Human Rights and the Conventions and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


IQNet Ltd is accredited by Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) to offer global SA8000 certification. Click to check our accreditation status.

IQNet Ltd is a member of APSCA (Association of Social Professional Compliance Auditors).


By implementing an SA8000 compliant management system and achieving the certification, organisations can demonstrate their commitments to socially responsible business practices.


Benefits for certified organizations

•  Demonstrated commitment to socially responsible business practices

•  Making steps towards effectively embedding the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors within the organization

•  Bringing your own contribution to the UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

•  Brand protection

•  Enhanced reputation as a responsible corporate citizen

•  Consumers’ and clients’ confidence and positive investor perception

•  Differentiation among global competitors

•  Increased retention, motivation and loyalty of own skilled personnel

•  Systemic approach towards sustainable results

•  Preventing negative incidents and potential media exposure

•  Transparency and confidence through independently verified compliance.


Benefits for Workers

•   Improved worker morale

•   Fair, safe and equitable work environment

•   Improved working conditions

•   Positive corporate culture based on the respect of the person and of the human rights

•   Contribution to the improvement of the responsible practices in the workplace.