Our Commitment to Professional Behaviour


IQNet Ltd is committed to undertake audit, assessment, and certification services in such a manner as to ensure  the highest levels of credibility, professionalism and integrity.  This is reflected in every aspect of our operations, activities, and at all levels of our organization.


IQNet Ltd Code of Conduct has been established with the purpose of promoting and safeguarding an ethical culture for our professionals involved in social auditing.  We value and have the utmost respect for our colleagues performing our social audit assignments and we are committted to support their professional activities in the most meaningful way. 


The principles and rules of conduct, described hereafter, provide for the norms or behavior expected from IQNet Ltd social audit persoonel.  These are applicable to all auditors (team leaders, team members, and trainees), technical specialists, employee interviewers, etc., either directly employed or acting on our behalf.


Download our Social Audit Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics: English  Chinese  Italian  Romanian  Spanish